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Indid Core SDK

Software development kit that facilitates the interaction with Indid infrastructure.


A method for obtaining an initialized instance of the sdk. Throws an error if the apiKey is not valid.

const clientUser = await Client.init(
  config: IClientConfig
const clientUser = await Client.init(
  config: IClientConfig

The rpcUrl is required if user operations are needed, if only delegated transactions are needed neither a provider or a chainId are required. If neither a provider or a chainId are provided the sdk will be initialized in read-only mode and the chainId will have to be provided in every delegated transaction function that requires it. It's possible to pass optional parameters to the init method, such as the entry point, the override bundler rpc url, the override backend url and the log level. The log level defaults to NONE, which means no logs will be printed.

interface IClientConfig {
  apiKey: string;
  rpcUrl?: string;
  chainId?: BigNumberish;
  overrideBundlerRpc?: string;
  overrideBackendUrl?: string;
  overrideEntryPoint?: string;
  logLevel?: LogLevel
interface IClientConfig {
  apiKey: string;
  rpcUrl?: string;
  chainId?: BigNumberish;
  overrideBundlerRpc?: string;
  overrideBackendUrl?: string;
  overrideEntryPoint?: string;
  logLevel?: LogLevel
enum LogLevel {
enum LogLevel {


A method for connecting to a smart contract account with the signer of the owner, this is necessary for preparing and signing user operations. The field opts is only needed when the values set at project creation should be overridden or if the provider/chainId as not been provided at initialization.

  signer: ethers.Wallet | ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner,
  accountAddress: string,
  opts?: IConnectAccountOpts
  signer: ethers.Wallet | ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner,
  accountAddress: string,
  opts?: IConnectAccountOpts
interface IConnectAccountOpts {
  moduleType: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  storageType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  chainId?: BigNumberish;
interface IConnectAccountOpts {
  moduleType: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  storageType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  chainId?: BigNumberish;


A method for getting the address of a yet to be deployed smart contract wallet. The salt defaults to 0 and should be changed only if the same owner wants to deploy multiple smart contract wallets. The field opts is only needed when the values set at project creation should be overridden.

Returns the address inside an IGetCounterfactualAddressResponse

const response = await clientUser.getCounterfactualAddress(
    owner: string,
    salt?: string,
    opts?: ICreateAccountOpts
const response = await clientUser.getCounterfactualAddress(
    owner: string,
    salt?: string,
    opts?: ICreateAccountOpts
interface ICreateAccountOpts {
  storageType: string;
  moduleType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  guardians: string[];
  guardiansHash?: BytesLike;
  guardianStructId?: BytesLike;
interface ICreateAccountOpts {
  storageType: string;
  moduleType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  guardians: string[];
  guardiansHash?: BytesLike;
  guardianStructId?: BytesLike;
interface IGetCounterfactualAddressResponse {
  accountAddress: string;
  error?: string;
interface IGetCounterfactualAddressResponse {
  accountAddress: string;
  error?: string;


A method for getting the init code for a new smart contract wallet. The field opts is only needed when the values set at project creation should be overridden.

Returns the init code inside an IInitCodeResponse

const response = await clientUser.getInitCode(
    owner: string,
    salt?: string,
    opts?: ICreateAccountOpts
const response = await clientUser.getInitCode(
    owner: string,
    salt?: string,
    opts?: ICreateAccountOpts
interface ICreateAccountOpts {
  storageType: string;
  moduleType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  guardians: string[];
  guardiansHash?: BytesLike;
  guardianStructId?: BytesLike;
interface ICreateAccountOpts {
  storageType: string;
  moduleType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  guardians: string[];
  guardiansHash?: BytesLike;
  guardianStructId?: BytesLike;
interface IInitCodeResponse {
  initCode: string;
  error?: string;
interface IInitCodeResponse {
  initCode: string;
  error?: string;


A method for getting the deployed smart contract wallet sequential nonce. If a smart contract wallect has been connected the accountAddress field is not needed. Otherwise the returned nonce is the sequential nonce of the specified accountAddress. This method is useful if the user wants to enforce a specific order of user operations, for example, if the user wants to send a user operation that depends on the result of another user operation. To do so the user can override the nonce inside the prepareSendTransaction method with the nonce returned by this method.

Returns a BigNumber with the account nonce inside an IGetNonceResponse.

const response = await clientUser.getAccountNonce(accountAddress?: string);
const response = await clientUser.getAccountNonce(accountAddress?: string);
interface IGetNonceResponse {
  nonce: BigNumberish;
  error?: string;
interface IGetNonceResponse {
  nonce: BigNumberish;
  error?: string;


A method for getting a non sequantial nonce of the deployed smart contract wallet. If a smart contract wallect has been connected the accountAddress field is not needed. Otherwise the returned nonce is the nonce of the specified accountAddress. This is the method called internally by the prepareSendTransaction method.

Returns a BigNumber with the account nonce inside an IGetNonceResponse.

const response = await clientUser.getAccountNonce(accountAddress?: string);
const response = await clientUser.getAccountNonce(accountAddress?: string);
interface IGetNonceResponse {
  nonce: BigNumberish;
  error?: string;
interface IGetNonceResponse {
  nonce: BigNumberish;
  error?: string;


A method for preparing a partial user operation that executes the specified transactions. It’s partial because it still needs to be sponsored (optionally) and signed. It can be used to send multiple transactions in a single operation, the array positions of the parameters must match. The nonceOP field is optional and can be used to override the nonce of the smart contract account. The initCode is optional and can be used to deploy a new smart contract wallet. The deadlineSeconds field is optional and can be used to specify the deadline for the operation, if the operation is not included in a block before the deadline the operation will fail. The default is 60 minutes. The doNotRevertOnTxFailure field is optional and can be used to specify if the operation should revert if one of the transactions fails. The default is true.

Internally the method will try to estimate the gas limit of every transaction, if the estimation fails the prepare will fail with an ethers gas estimation error. The gas limit can be overridden by passing the callGasLimit field in the opts parameter, this will also skip the gas estimation. Note: if the gas estimation fails the transaction will probably fail on chain too. All the other gas related fields are optional and can be used to override the default values.

Returns a builder containing the partial user operation.

const builder = await clientUser.prepareSendTransactions(
    to: string[],
    value: BigNumberish[],
    calldata: string[],
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
const builder = await clientUser.prepareSendTransactions(
    to: string[],
    value: BigNumberish[],
    calldata: string[],
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;


A method for preparing a partial user operation that sends the desired amount of native currency to the recipient. The nonceOP field is optional and can be used to override the nonce of the smart contract account. The initCode is optional and can be used to deploy a new smart contract wallet. It’s partial because it still needs to be sponsored (optionally) and signed.

Returns a builder containing the partial user operation.

const builder = await clientUser.prepareSendETH(
    recipientAddress: string,
    amount: BigNumberish,
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
const builder = await clientUser.prepareSendETH(
    recipientAddress: string,
    amount: BigNumberish,
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;


A method for preparing a partial user operation that sends the desired amount of the specified ERC20 to the recipient. The nonceOP field is optional and can be used to override the nonce of the smart contract account. The initCode is optional and can be used to deploy a new smart contract wallet. It’s partial because it still needs to be sponsored (optionally) and signed.

Returns a builder containing the partial user operation.

const builder = await clientUser.prepareSendERC20(
    contractAddress: string,
    recipientAddress: string,
    amount: BigNumberish,
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
const builder = await clientUser.prepareSendERC20(
    contractAddress: string,
    recipientAddress: string,
    amount: BigNumberish,
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;


A method for preparing a partial user operation that executes specific wallet functions implemented by the main module. The nonceOP field is optional and can be used to override the nonce of the smart contract account. The initCode is optional and can be used to deploy a new smart contract wallet. It’s partial because it still needs to be sponsored (optionally) and signed. The initCode is optional and can be used to deploy a new smart contract wallet.

Returns a builder containing the partial user operation.

const builder = await clientUser.prepareSendModuleOperation(
    calldata: string,
    nonce: string,
    deadline: string,
    signatures: string,
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
const builder = await clientUser.prepareSendModuleOperation(
    calldata: string,
    nonce: string,
    deadline: string,
    signatures: string,
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;


A method for preparing a partial user operation that executes a recovery operation. The nonceOP field is optional and can be used to override the nonce of the smart contract account. The initCode is optional and can be used to deploy a new smart contract wallet. It’s partial because it still needs to be sponsored (optionally) and signed. The connected smart contract wallet should be owned by the enterprise guardian.

Returns a builder containing the partial user operation.

const builder = await prepareEnterpriseRecoveryOperation(
    accountAddress: string,
    newOwner: string,
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
const builder = await prepareEnterpriseRecoveryOperation(
    accountAddress: string,
    newOwner: string,
    opts?: IUserOperationOptions
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
interface IUserOperationOptions {
  initCode?: string;
  nonceOP?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  callGasLimit?: BigNumberish;
  verificationGasLimit?: BigNumberish
  preVerificationGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;
  maxPriorityFeePerGas?: BigNumberish;


A method for signing user operations, it applies the signature on the builder object itself. Return the userOpHash that has been signed, the signature and an optional error string inside an ISignUserOperationResponse.

const response = await clientUser.signUserOperation(
  builder: IUserOperationBuilder
const response = await clientUser.signUserOperation(
  builder: IUserOperationBuilder
interface ISignUserOperationResponse {
  userOpHash: string;
  signature: string;
  error?: string;
interface ISignUserOperationResponse {
  userOpHash: string;
  signature: string;
  error?: string;


A method for directing a builder instance to create a User Operation and send it to Indid bundler. The webhookData is optional and can be used to specify a webhook to be called upon the operation success or failure. Returns the User Operation Hash and a Task Id inside an ISendUserOpResponse.

const response = await clientUser.sendUserOperation(
  builder: IUserOperationBuilder
  webhookData?: IWebHookRequest
const response = await clientUser.sendUserOperation(
  builder: IUserOperationBuilder
  webhookData?: IWebHookRequest
interface ISendUserOpResponse {
  userOpHash: string;
  taskId: string;
  error?: string;
interface ISendUserOpResponse {
  userOpHash: string;
  taskId: string;
  error?: string;

The tag field is mandatory and represents the specific webhook to be called upon the operation completion. Metadata is optional and can be used to pass additional information to the webhook that will be returned with the webhook callback.

interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;


A method for getting the User Operation Hash from a builder instance. This can be useful for signing the operation in a different environment.

Returns the User Operation Hash inside an IGetUserOperationHashResponse, this needs to be arrayfied before being signed.

const response = getUserOperationHash(builder: IUserOperationBuilder);
const response = getUserOperationHash(builder: IUserOperationBuilder);
interface IGetUserOperationHashResponse {
  userOpHash: string;
  error?: string;
interface IGetUserOperationHashResponse {
  userOpHash: string;
  error?: string;


A method for waiting an User Operation Hash returned by sendUserOperation, returns the receipt inside an IUserOperationReceiptResponse upon success.

const response = await clientUser.waitOP(
  userOpHash: string,
  timeoutMs?: number);
const response = await clientUser.waitOP(
  userOpHash: string,
  timeoutMs?: number);
interface IUserOperationReceiptResponse {
  receipt: IUserOperationReceipt;
  error?: string;
interface IUserOperationReceiptResponse {
  receipt: IUserOperationReceipt;
  error?: string;
interface IUserOperationReceipt {
  blockHash: string;
  logsBloom: string;
  contractAddress: string;
  transactionIndex: number;
  transactionHash: string;
  gasUsed: BigNumberish;
  blockNumber: BigNumberish;
  cumulativeGasUsed: BigNumberish;
  from: string;
  blockTimestamp: string;
  to: string;
  logs: [{}];
  status: number;
  error?: string;
interface IUserOperationReceipt {
  blockHash: string;
  logsBloom: string;
  contractAddress: string;
  transactionIndex: number;
  transactionHash: string;
  gasUsed: BigNumberish;
  blockNumber: BigNumberish;
  cumulativeGasUsed: BigNumberish;
  from: string;
  blockTimestamp: string;
  to: string;
  logs: [{}];
  status: number;
  error?: string;


A method for waiting a backend task ID returned by some sdk functions. sendUserOperation, returns the task outcome inside an IWaitTaskResponse and an optional reason with information about the task outcome.

const response = await clientUser.waitTask(
  taskId: string,
  timeoutMs?: number
const response = await clientUser.waitTask(
  taskId: string,
  timeoutMs?: number
interface IWaitTaskResponse {
  operationStatus: TaskUserOperationStatus;
  receipt?: JSON;
  reason?: string;
interface IWaitTaskResponse {
  operationStatus: TaskUserOperationStatus;
  receipt?: JSON;
  reason?: string;
enum TaskUserOperationStatus {
enum TaskUserOperationStatus {


A static method for verifying the signature of a webhook callback, it takes an IWebHookSignatureRequest and an optional verifyingKey. If the verifyingKey is not provided the default key is used. Returns a boolean, true if the signature is valid, false otherwise.

const response = verifyWebhookSignature(
  req: IWebHookSignatureRequest, 
  verifyingKey?: string
const response = verifyWebhookSignature(
  req: IWebHookSignatureRequest, 
  verifyingKey?: string
interface IWebHookSignatureRequest {
  headers: {
  signature: string;
  encodedMessage: string;
  body: Record<string, unknown>;
interface IWebHookSignatureRequest {
  headers: {
  signature: string;
  encodedMessage: string;
  body: Record<string, unknown>;