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Indid Admin SDK

The admin sdk provides all the methods and functionalities of the core sdk, it also provides the following:


A method for obtaining an initialized instance of the sdk

const clientAdmin = await AdminClient.init(
  rpcUrl: string,
  adminApiKey: string
const clientAdmin = await AdminClient.init(
  rpcUrl: string,
  adminApiKey: string

It's possible to pass optional parameters to the init method, such as the entry point, the override bundler rpc url, the override backend url and the log level. The log level defaults to NONE, which means no logs will be printed.

interface IClientOpts {
  entryPoint?: string;
  overrideBundlerRpc?: string;
  overrideBackendUrl?: string;
  logLevel?: LogLevel
interface IClientOpts {
  entryPoint?: string;
  overrideBundlerRpc?: string;
  overrideBackendUrl?: string;
  logLevel?: LogLevel
enum LogLevel {
enum LogLevel {


A method for creating(deploying) a smart contract wallet, requires CUs. The salt defaults to 0 and should be changed only if the same owner wants to deploy multiple smart contract wallets. The field opts is only needed when the values set at project creation should be overridden.

Returns the address and the task ID of the deploy transaction inside an ICreateAccountResponse.

const response = await clientAdmin.createAccount(
  owner: string,
  salt?: string,
  webhookData?: IWebHookRequest,
  opts?: ICreateAccountOpts
const response = await clientAdmin.createAccount(
  owner: string,
  salt?: string,
  webhookData?: IWebHookRequest,
  opts?: ICreateAccountOpts
interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface ICreateAccountOpts {
  storageType: string;
  moduleType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  guardians: string[];
  guardiansHash?: BytesLike;
  guardianStructId?: BytesLike;
interface ICreateAccountOpts {
  storageType: string;
  moduleType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  guardians: string[];
  guardiansHash?: BytesLike;
  guardianStructId?: BytesLike;
interface ICreateAccountResponse {
  accountAddress: string;
  taskId: string;
  error?: string;
interface ICreateAccountResponse {
  accountAddress: string;
  taskId: string;
  error?: string;


A method for creating(deploying) a SCW, requires CUs. The salt defaults to 0 and should be changed only if the same owner wants to deploy multiple smart contract wallets. The field opts is only needed when the values set at project creation should be overridden. It will always wait internally for the deploy transaction to be validated and then connect to the newly created account.

Returns the address and the task ID of the deploy transaction inside an ICreateAccountResponse. If no signer has been provided it also returns the seed of the newly created signer.

const response = await clientAdmin.createAndConnectAccount(
  signer?: ethers.Signer,
  salt?: string,
  webhookData?: IWebHookRequest,
  opts?: ICreateAccountOpts
const response = await clientAdmin.createAndConnectAccount(
  signer?: ethers.Signer,
  salt?: string,
  webhookData?: IWebHookRequest,
  opts?: ICreateAccountOpts
interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface ICreateAccountOpts {
  storageType: string;
  moduleType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  guardians: string[];
  guardiansHash?: BytesLike;
  guardianStructId?: BytesLike;
interface ICreateAccountOpts {
  storageType: string;
  moduleType: string;
  factoryAddress: string;
  moduleAddress: string;
  guardians: string[];
  guardiansHash?: BytesLike;
  guardianStructId?: BytesLike;
interface ICreateAndConnectAccountResponse {
  accountAddress: string;
  taskId: string;
  seed?: string;
  error?: string;
interface ICreateAndConnectAccountResponse {
  accountAddress: string;
  taskId: string;
  seed?: string;
  error?: string;


A method for getting a User Operation Sponsored, it consumes Computes Units (CU).

It applies the PaymasterAndData field on the builder itself. If only the field is needed it can be retrieved from the IUserOpSponsorshipResponse.

const response = await clientAdmin.getUserOpSponsorship(
  builder: IUserOperationBuilder
const response = await clientAdmin.getUserOpSponsorship(
  builder: IUserOperationBuilder
interface IUserOpSponsorshipResponse {
  paymasterAndData: string;
  error?: string;
interface IUserOpSponsorshipResponse {
  paymasterAndData: string;
  error?: string;


A method for changing the owner of an existing smart contract account, it consumes Computes Units (CU). GuardianSigner is the signer of the wallet's guardian.

Returns a taskID inside IRecoverAccountResponse.

const response = await clientAdmin.recoverEnterpriseAccount(
    accountAddress: string,
    newOwner: string,
    guardianSigner: ethers.Wallet | ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner,
    webhookData?: IWebHookRequest
const response = await clientAdmin.recoverEnterpriseAccount(
    accountAddress: string,
    newOwner: string,
    guardianSigner: ethers.Wallet | ethers.providers.JsonRpcSigner,
    webhookData?: IWebHookRequest
interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface IRecoverAccountResponse {
  taskId: string;
  error?: string;
interface IRecoverAccountResponse {
  taskId: string;
  error?: string;


A method for sending a batch of delegated transactions, requires CUs. If the provider/chainId are not provided at initialization they chaindId be required in this function. The webhookData is optional and can be used to specify a webhook to be called upon the transactions success or failure. Returns a taskID inside ISendDelegatedTransactionsResponse.

const response = await clientAdmin.sendDelegatedTransactions(
    transactions: ICall[],
    opts?: IDelegatedTransactionOptions
const response = await clientAdmin.sendDelegatedTransactions(
    transactions: ICall[],
    opts?: IDelegatedTransactionOptions
interface IDelegatedTransactionOptions {
  chainId?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  webhookData?: IWebHookRequest;
interface IDelegatedTransactionOptions {
  chainId?: BigNumberish;
  doNotRevertOnTxFailure?: boolean;
  deadlineSeconds?: number;
  webhookData?: IWebHookRequest;

The tag field is mandatory and represents the specific webhook to be called upon the operation completion. Metadata is optional and can be used to pass additional information to the webhook that will be returned with the webhook callback.

interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface IWebHookRequest {
    tag : string;
    metadata? : Record<string, unknown>;
interface ISendDelegatedTransactionsResponse {
    taskId: string;
    error?: string;
interface ISendDelegatedTransactionsResponse {
    taskId: string;
    error?: string;